Frank Shamrock is one of the most successful mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters of all time. He was named...
Archive for category: Personal Growth
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Three Principles that Explain Authentic Decision-Making
Av1junto, , growth, leadership, Leadership Development, Personal Growth, success, 0You can’t make a good decision until you know who you are. Decisions based on someone else’s values are...
How to Overcome the Frustrations of Collaboration
Av1junto, , Communication, Decisions, growth, Leadership Development, Personal Growth, 0It seems faster to make decisions on your own, especially when others don’t think like you. It’s simpler to...
4 Ways Weakness is Advantage
Av1junto, , Encouragement, Leadership Development, organizational success, Personal Growth, Strengths, Taking others higher, weaknesses, 0Strength usually takes you further than weakness but pretending you have it all together limits opportunity and potential. Strength-based...
Why Leadership Development is Superficial and How to Fix It
Av1junto, , growth, Influence, leadership, Leadership Development, Leading, organizational success, passion, Personal Growth, Purpose, servant leadership, Taking others higher, 0You’re missing the point if all you want to do is become a better leader. Your vision is puny....
The Myth of the Magic Bullet: 7 Things to Do When Progress is Slow
Av1junto, , Change, Leadership Development, organizational success, Personal Growth, Solutions, success, 0Progress is like learning to walk. You stumble forward, then you skin your knee. There’s no quick fix to...
What the CEO of Microsoft Pursues that Average Leaders Neglect
Av1junto, , Courage, Culture, leadership, Leadership Development, leadership success, Personal Growth, 0The difference between average leaders and exceptional leadership is heart. Heartless leaders are deformed beasts that excuse abuse in...
Why Lousy Leaders Succeed
Av1junto, , Encouragement, growth, Leadership Development, Marks of leaders, organizational success, Personal Growth, Taking others higher, weaknesses, 0The worst result of bad leaders is they deflate the drive to be good. Why try, if lousy leaders...
One Question and One Commitment that Enhance Well-Being
Av1junto, , Culture, Encouragement, engagement, growth, Leadership Development, Marks of leaders, Mentoring, organizational success, Personal Growth, Taking others higher, 0One question and one commitment have the power to enhance well-being in others. But first, a Gallup study that...
Shazam and Other Ridiculous Solutions
Av1junto, , Accountability, growth, Leadership Development, Motivation, organizational success, Personal Growth, Solutions, success, 0The simple habit that changes my life is putting my fingers on the keyboard and starting to type. I’m...