Advance Together

Business and startup owners deal with difficult challenges every day.

Joining a Mastermind Group, also known as a Peer to Peer Mentoring Group, makes sure that you do not have to deal with these problems on your own!

Avajunto is the Online Mastermind Platform where entrepreneurs and business owners can find peers in their own, or non-competing sectors and form Mastermind Groups that help them tackle difficult problems and capture new opportunities.

Members of your Mastermind Group provide a safe forum for your ideas. They keep you on track during your journey, by being your accountability partners!

A Mastermind Group provides a place where like-minded people help each other to work ‘on their businesses’, rather than ‘in their businesses’.



The Mission

To provide people with the environment and network to achieve their goals rapidly.


The Vision

To help people achieve their goals rapidly.

Perhaps it is best described by the man who is famed to have first written about it in depth:

“….it is the principle through which you may borrow and use the education, the experience, the influence, and perhaps the capital of other people in carrying out your own plans in life. It is the principle through which you can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success…” Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich

Example Mastermind Groups:

The Vagabonds: Composed of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding, Harvey Firestone.

The Chicago 6: Six men who began with nothing and all became millionaires within a few years of starting the group. William Hertz and Charles Wrigley being the most successful members in this Mastermind.

The Junto Club: Used the principles of the Mastermind Group for the mutual improvement of all its members. It was formed in 1727 by the great Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia. The aim of the club was to debate, amongst other things: politics, philosophy, and of course business. To learn more it and Benjamin Franklin visit The Junto Club.

Members of an Avajunto Mastermind Group look out for each other’s businesses in truly useful and objective ways.

They will leverage their combined skills and experiences to achieve well beyond what a single member can attain by him/herself.

A Mastermind Group is a peer to peer business mentoring group whose members solve their problems by providing each other support and advice.

Within an Avajunto Mastermind Group a myriad of themes are discussed including (but not limited to):

  • Marketing
  • Business Strategy
  • Technology
  • Customer Service
  • Human Resources
  • Supplier issues
  • Logistics

It provides accountability; a study by The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) discovered that there was a 65% of achieving a goal if the person commits to someone.

When there is a well-specified accountability goal in place to a person that they have committed to, the chance of success went up by up to 95%.

Entrepreneurship can be lonely. Indeed, the Harvard Business Review stated that entrepreneurs are 30% more likely to experience depression than their counterparts.

Being part of an Avajunto Mastermind Group gives its members a chance to meet peers who are ‘in the same boat as themselves’ and learn from real life experiences.

It is Simple to Use

The Avajunto portal is built with ease of use as its primary aim.

Becoming a member for instance, will only take you a very short length of time.

Once you are a member, it is simplicity itself to create an Avajunto Group. When a member asks to join your Avajunto, you only have to click a button and he or she is part of the group.

If you want to join an existing Avajunto, it’s even simpler. When you have found the right group, just click to request membership, once accepted that is it, you have joined (though some group facilitators may have further tasks for joining their group).


Here too, makes life easy, group members can discuss their issues in the simple to use private group forum area.

Of course, if you want to discuss anything privately between individuals you have the option to ‘private message’ (PM) fellow members.

To find out more, just get in touch, click here.

©2018 AVAJUNTO achieve your goals faster


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