THE JOB of a leader is to build faith. The New Testament says that faith is confidence in what...
THE ONE SKILL that matters more than any other in leadership and life is the ability to connect with...
IN OUR WORK training and consulting organizations across the globe, we have found misalignment to be at the heart...
WE ALL POSSESS some confidence, but we all could use more of it. Confidence is about managing your self-doubt...
WHAT ARE the defining characteristics of successful leadership? Mark Sanborn identifies them as clarity and intentionality in The Intention...
LEADERSHIP, says John Eades, is “inspiring, empowering, and service in order to elevate others over an extended period of...
10 Prevailing Myths Of Business Ownership
Av1junto, , Business Stories, Growing a Business,, starting a business, 0I was asked about common myths of business ownership, that people still believe in 2019. I came up with...
Know your industry. In a recent post here, I wrote that the most common stumbling point I see in...
How does a young person work towards a career in entrepreneurship? I was asked this question on Quora. Here’s...
10 Tips on How to Protect a Software Idea
Av1junto, , Business Ideas, Quora, Software, starting a business, 0How to protect a software idea? I recently answered a related Quora question on this one. I took parts...