Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels Do you need a little inspiration today? Well, buckle up, buttercup. This article features...
Archive for category: startups
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The 17 Biggest Mistakes Startups Make With Their Investor Pitch Deck
Av1junto, , Financing & Credit, starting a business, startups, 0By Richard D. Harroch and Don Keller Startup companies often prepare an “investor pitch deck,” which is a slide...
Don’t Lose Your Startup to Chaos
Av1junto, , Business for Beginners, Commentary, Entrepreneurs, Opportunity, Productivity, Running Your Business, starting a business, startup, startups, 0Photo by Headway on Unsplash Let’s face it. There’s always going to be some level of chaos in a startup. Reid Hoffman,...
Starting a Business: What You Should Know
Av1junto, , Business for Beginners, Business Ideas, Opportunity, starting a business, startup, startups, 0Photo by from Pexels Starting a business is something many people dream of doing someday. Whether it’s hopes of opening a...
3 Steps to Protecting a High-Risk Startup
Av1junto, , business licenses, cangoroo, EIN, employer identification number, file a trademark, form an LLC, incorporate a business, legal, LLC formation, pogo sticks, starting a business, startups, trademark, 0The next great form of transportation was announced in a June 4, 2019, article from the Los Angeles Times....
How to Start a Successful Auto Dealership
Av1junto, , Business for Beginners, Business Ideas, Entrepreneurs, Opportunity, starting a business, startup, startups, 0Photo by Alex Suprun on Unsplash There are roughly 250 million vehicles cruising the roads of America every year, and every...
10 Procrastination Traps That Ensnare Home-Based Business Owners—Here’s How to Break Free
Av1junto, , Home Based Business, procrastination, startups, Time Wasters, YEC, Young Entrepreneur Council, 0Running a business from the comfort of your own home has many benefits—a flexible work schedule and zero commute,...
“Nail It Then Scale It” – The New Mantra For Startups
Av1junto, , Eric Ries, nail it, Nathan Furr, scale it, startups, steve blank, 0Steve Blank via Flickr by jdlasica I see more and more entrepreneurs who seem to have everything going for...
5 Problems To Solve With Unlimited Startup Potential
Av1junto, , great ideas, Paul Graham, potential, startups, 0Image via jisc Potential startup founders are always looking for ideas to implement, when they should be looking for...
5 Startup Cost Realities Most Founders Underestimate
Av1junto, , costs, new venture, startups, underestimate, 0Image via Flickr by Phil Gyford Starting a new venture still costs real money, even though the entry price...