Chances are you’re a lousy listener – even though you think you’re good at it. The problem is, 96%...
Archive for category: Leadership Development
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Shazam and Other Ridiculous Solutions
Av1junto, , Accountability, growth, Leadership Development, Motivation, organizational success, Personal Growth, Solutions, success, 0The simple habit that changes my life is putting my fingers on the keyboard and starting to type. I’m...
Hey Leader, One More Time: It’s Not About YOU!
Av1junto, , Author, Book Notes, Humility, Leadership Development, 0New Book Giveaway!! 20 free copies!! Leave a comment on this guest post by Bill Treasurer to become eligible...
How the Budweiser Frogs Illustrate the 3 C’s of Leadership
Av1junto, , Goals, Humility, leadership, Leadership Development, Marks of leaders, servant leadership, 0The skills and behaviors of leadership are accessible to anyone with average intelligence. Being smart helps, but it isn’t...
How to Overcome the NIKE Problem
Av1junto, , growth, Leadership Development, organizational success, Purpose, Questions, 0Robots don’t need reasons. The NIKE problem: You can’t run around saying, “Just do it,” and call yourself a...
The fearful are not joyful. But the fruit of confidence is passion and grit. Successful service requires a commitment...
How to Improve Weakness in Others
Av1junto, , growth, leadership, Leadership Development, Personal Growth, Taking others higher, 0Extroverts feel frustrated because others aren’t more outgoing. Introverts complain when they don’t get what they want – even...
5 Ways to Bring Your Best When Schedules are Tight
Av1junto, , compassion, Leadership Development, Stress, Time Management, 0In one study*, theology students at Princeton University stepped over a person in need. They were on their way...
Poor decisions are often about human frailty, not logic, situations, and information. You’ll continue making poor decisions until you...
WHO WE ARE speaks louder than what we say. Respect for others is the cornerstone of high-performing leaders. Respect...